Our doctors often talk about “their toolbox.” All the different treatments they use depending on a patients diagnosis to help the patient decrease pain, increase flexibility, reduce inflammation, and on and on… Active Release Therapy, Graston Technique, Dry needling, Taping, Cold Laser… are just a few tools that our chiropractors use when you are treated for an injury or pain.
But what is in your toolbox? What treatments and therapies do you use on an ongoing basis to make sure that your mind, body and spirit are performing optimally? One tool that I believe should be a part of everyone’s toolbox and is often overlooked is ACUPUNCTURE! When asking an acupuncturist what sticking needles in different parts of your body actually does, you typically get a discussion on meridians and energy flow and things that us Westerners just cant wrap our mind around. It is not until you get on the table and have 10-30 needles in your body for at least 20-30 minutes that you will then “get it.” The sensations are unparalleled and the changes in mood, pain and focus are incredible. We have an incredible acupuncturist at United Wellness & Sports Rehab who does an amazing job at explaining the process and achieving results. Below is an article from Mens Health Magazine on some common ailments that we treat with acupuncture at United Wellness & Sports Rehab. Please feel free to email Dr. Booth with questions you may have regarding Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Cupping, etc.
If you’re struggling with one of the following ailments, you might consider going under the needle http://www.menshealth.com/health/5-ways-acupuncture-can-fix-your-health-problems?utm_source=(direct)&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=sharebutton